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Laura Gray of Brigadoon Homestead

I, Laura Gray, own and operate Brigadoon Homestead near Gilmore, Ohio. I purchased my first sheep in 2012. I was raised on a farm and some of my happiest childhood memories involve living near livestock. I wanted that same experience for my kids. Ever the supporter of rare breeds, I consulted the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy list of rare sheep breeds. The Shetlands sounded promising – considered a good breed for a novice shepherd, fairly docile, good mothering abilities. The final selling point was the myriad of natural colors the breed provides in their fiber. I decided to go visit a farm that raised Shetlands near Granville. A tiny lamb, black with white spots, came right up to me. While I petted her, she fell
asleep in my lap. Obviously I had to take her home! This is Faerlie Jane, the founder of so many fiber
dreams. Sheep are herd animals and do not like to be alone, so my second girl, Bonnie Jean, came home
to the farm also. I’ve since added a Shetland/Cotswold cross wether – Charles, aka “Bonnie Charlie,” as
our family embraces our Scots Irish heritage. Our most recent addition is Jasmine, an incredibly sweet
Cotswold ewe.

Check out my Blog Series,
Life on the Farm

All about raising fiber animals and plants in a sustainable, environmentally sound way.

I’ve processed fleeces by hand, as well as sell them raw. I’ve also has them mill processed into roving. I
have spun, dyed, felted, and woven their fiber. I love the Shetland wool. It’s very versatile and I’ve
always had excellent quality fleeces from my girls.

Brigadoon Homestead consists of 12 acres. I currently have one pasture for my 4 sheep. They’ve
drastically improved our extremely acidic soil. They are pastured with our chickens, which helps keep the
ruminant parasites in check. We plan to move to our larger 170 acre farm in the near future. This land has
been in my husband’s family for many generations. Over the next few years, I want to grow the fiber
flock, establish our new farming space, and begin intensive rotational grazing.

Contact Us:

Phone: (740)224-0700
Address: 103 East 3rd Street
                Uhrichsville, OH 44683
Hours: Tues., Wed., Fri., & Sat. 10-5, 
Thursday 12-7
            *Closed Sunday & Monday

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